LNg carrier in caribbean

Since 2015, WWSA has been providing advice to the Shipbuilding & Repair Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (‘SRDC”) on its world-class shipyard project being built at La Brea, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

WWSA has provided various advice and recommendations related to this project, for both the construction and operational phases. This maritime project will be one of the largest drydock facilities to be built in the Caribbean region. The shipyard located in the South-western part of Trinidad plans to target the Atlantic Basin LNG-carrier fleet which currently stands at over 150+ ships. This fleet is expected to add even more ships due to the continuing popularity of Liquified Natural Gas as a lower carbon emission transitional fuel.

Proposed scaffolding systems include lightweight aluminium units capable of being readily installed and dismantled within the Liquified Natural Gas containment and insulation cryogenic tanks. These must not deflect or damage the primary 304L-1.2 mm stainless-steel corrugated barriers, installed onboard these LNG carriers.